Saturday, April 5, 2008

Flying commercial

Yeaaaaaahhh, finally after 2 long weeks of waiting, I got my temporary license and started flying the Seneca again, this time for commercial!
Looks pretty much the same, some maneuvers, some VFR navigation and diversions, actually you feel like having a "deja-vu". The difference i think is the approach to flying the plane, the responsibility, the decision-making, the subtle way of flying, having people paying you in the back.

Mostly, pretty much fun flying VFR freely again!!
Hope to post more pictures soon... peace in the skies.


Anonymous said...

Explantion needed:
Are you a commerical pilot now? As you said, you get money to fly people?
Who you fly and where? :)

What is the next stage if so?

Roni said...

no no, misunderstand!
im learning how to fly people for money... one day ill have people in the back paying me to fly them from A to B, so now we learn how to do it. This is commercial pilot course.
One thing at a time!

Anonymous said...


Sounds like a very difficult thing to master, especially after you've finished PPL and IFR...