Monday, June 30, 2008

Back to the Cessna

The multi days are over, for now.
Since my commercial checkride, I said goodbye to the good old Piper Seneca, and went back to the traditional Skyhawk. Such a difference! The controls feel so soft, landings look so easy, everything is in slow motion :)

Yes, I've been training the traditional commercial maneuvers now, working on the single commercial add-on to my current license. Steep spirals, chandelles, lazy eights, eight on pylons and power-off 180s. Not that those are hard maneuvers, but it indeed is hard to do all of them perfectly in one flight. And it all depends so much on the weather and winds - you might get to fly those maneuvers in a beautiful sky clear day, weak winds, perfect! But you might also be unfortunate and have your checkride in a hazy day, low visibility, low clouds and strong winds - and all the hard work is worth nothing - you hardly will be able to do the maneuvers properly. So I guess I need a little bit of luck as well :)

Actually I don't really understand why you have to do this add-on license, you're working on Lower Category (ASEL) than the one you already have, so it doesn't make much sense to me. Complaints aside, it has to be done - no way out :(

We're almost there... I can't wait to CFII.
Have a good week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We want more!